Easy omelet with roasted mushroom

Omelet is a smart made simple food. Great choice even for breakfast, or dinner. Thousands of variation existing, impossible to get bored of it. Right now I just made it easy, later I will add other extra ones.


  • chicken eggs, 2-3 pcs
  • salt, pepper
  • 1 tsp.butter
  • cheese
  • 50 ml milk
Easy omelet with roasted mushroom

Crack the eggs into a bowl (2-3 pcs per person), add salt and pepper, mix it well together with the milk. Put the butter (~1pc teaspoon) into the pre-heated pan, than a bit later evenly pour the mixed egg onto the melted butter. When the top became fried remove from the heat. Fill with roasted mushroom and cheese. Serve with rucola.

Easy omelet with roasted mushroom

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